19 March 2010

Put me in the hole, and you dont see me.

I secretly hope you know how i feel,
I don't mean it :)

Meiyi, thanks for that DIY plant.
I've done it.  x)

Do you ever feel like "Why am I so unluckly" at this moment,
but the next moment you feel that you're the luckly one?   I do!
Have you ever waited for someone to forgive you and you don't think she'll forgive you,
but she did and you still think it's not true?   I do!
Have you ever feel regretful after doing something you dont mean it,
but you've done it?   I do!

I don't know why i did it at the first place, maybe its what they call 'fate'. All i can say is sorry, sorry and sorry I really dont mean it.
Everyone knows 'sorry' acctually means nothing, its just a word with empty promises.
But, I mean it.


19 March 2010

Put me in the hole, and you dont see me.

I secretly hope you know how i feel,
I don't mean it :)

Meiyi, thanks for that DIY plant.
I've done it.  x)

Do you ever feel like "Why am I so unluckly" at this moment,
but the next moment you feel that you're the luckly one?   I do!
Have you ever waited for someone to forgive you and you don't think she'll forgive you,
but she did and you still think it's not true?   I do!
Have you ever feel regretful after doing something you dont mean it,
but you've done it?   I do!

I don't know why i did it at the first place, maybe its what they call 'fate'. All i can say is sorry, sorry and sorry I really dont mean it.
Everyone knows 'sorry' acctually means nothing, its just a word with empty promises.
But, I mean it.
