03 March 2010

I need a second chance to breathe slow.

Insulting with bad words are truly hurtful but easy to speak.
while praising with kind words are hard enough to speak,

Yesterday was plain awesome! I cooked (spaghetti) for my dad.
I prepared all the ingredient needed MYSELF except for the tomato paste, i bought that.
frankly speaking, i improved my cooking skills alot but im still afarid of the pan when it sizzle. 

All by me. *winks

this is the easiest part.

All done.

signing off with love.

03 March 2010

I need a second chance to breathe slow.

Insulting with bad words are truly hurtful but easy to speak.
while praising with kind words are hard enough to speak,

Yesterday was plain awesome! I cooked (spaghetti) for my dad.
I prepared all the ingredient needed MYSELF except for the tomato paste, i bought that.
frankly speaking, i improved my cooking skills alot but im still afarid of the pan when it sizzle. 

All by me. *winks

this is the easiest part.

All done.

signing off with love.